2345 Redbud Tree Drive, NC 27539<br><b><font color=SOLD" />
Status: Sold
2345 Redbud Tree Drive
Apex NC 27539
Beds: 4
Baths: 3 (full) | 1 (half)
Acres: 0.19
Sqft: 3,467
1121 Silky Dogwood Trl, NC 27502<br><b><font color=SOLD" />
Status: Sold
1121 Silky Dogwood Trl
Apex NC 27502
Beds: 3
Baths: 2 (full) | 1 (half)
Acres: 0.07
Sqft: 1,619
213 Forest Haven, NC 27540<br><b><font color=Sold" />
Status: Sold
213 Forest Haven
Holly Springs NC 27540
Beds: 4
Baths: 3 (full) | 1 (half)
Acres: 0.17
Sqft: 2,417
145 Synandra Lane, NC 27540<br><b><font color=Sold" />
Status: Sold
145 Synandra Lane
Holly Springs NC 27540
Beds: 5
Baths: 4 (full)
Acres: 0.18
Sqft: 3,444
1502 Orchard Villas, NC 27502<br><b><font color=SOLD" />
Status: Sold
1502 Orchard Villas
Apex NC 27502
Beds: 2
Baths: 2 (full)
Sqft: 1,815
106 Greygate Place, NC 27518<br><b><font color=SOLD" />
Status: Sold
106 Greygate Place
Cary NC 27518
Beds: 4
Baths: 2 (full) | 1 (half)
Acres: 0.37
Sqft: 3,214

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